Brewart Beer Droid Review
Plus: Brewflow vs iKegger As YOur Keg Option
This review was written by iKegger staff. We have tried to be as impartial as possible and only use facts printed on BrewArt advertising and website for pricing and usage directions. We own and love the BeerDroid fermenter, we returned the BrewFlo due to a variety of quality issues.

- This is a great temperature controlled fermenter sold by Coopers under the name BrewArt for RRP of $799
- It is wi-fi connected and links to a mobile app allowing you to see current brew status as well as change the temperature (including cold crashing) on the fly from anywhere.
- It senses the beginning and end of fermentation
without any testing of gravity or brix by the user. - It is designed to be used with BrewPrints but is
excellent for small batch brewing of any sort due to it's 10L capacity and precise temperature control. - The ease of use, ability to both heat and chill (especially to chill down to 3 deg) and the easy cleaning of this fermenter really makes for an excellent product.
- It has one well documented flaw (a weak tap spigot) unfortunately, however this problem by all reports is dealt with quickly with a replacement of the entire unit from Coopers. I have yet to have mine crack, touch wood!

The Brew Prints
The BeerDroid is designed to be used with BrewPrints (pre-measured ingredient packages used to create clones of many commerical beer styles) which cost $30-45 for 10L (about 26 x 375ml bottles)
- You simply use the included sanitiser tablet to clean the droid (although there are better / faster methods in my opinion).
- Put 10L of water in the Beer Droid and then empty the dry ingredients in (pre-milled satchels of yeast, barley, malt etc)
- Hit the button on your phone to start the brew and the droid will automatically adjust the temperature to propogate yeast and then ferment according to the recipe you have chosen.
- You will get a notification when the beer has finished fermentation at which point you can either bottle / keg it (using the included sugar syrup) or hit "store" to drop the temperature to 3-4 deg C.
- If the recipe uses late addition (dry hopping) hops these are included as an extract you add as you keg / bottle

The BrewFlo Dispenser
This is a refrigerated bench top unit designed to hold and dispense the 5L "kegs" from the Complete Kegging Package below. (RRP $699)
- Unfortunately this unit and the Complete Kegging Package below are in our opinion where the BrewArt idea falls short and from reading through a lot of online forums / FB pages I don't think we are alone.
- It can only be used (without voiding warranty) with the plastic kegging package below and likewise the plastic kegs can only be used with this dispenser.
- Both use propriety fittings that are not compatible with readily available home brew kegging equipment.
- It takes 10 hours to chill a room temperature 5L keg to service temperature.
- Rather than using CO2 as per usual it uses an air compressor to push air between the inside "keg" wall and the "keg liner."

The Complete Kegging Pack
This package contains what you need to keg two batches from the Droid for $157 + $15 shipping (you can't have 2 batches kegged at the same time though as you need to use the same "kegs" with new liners).
It consists of:
- 2 x 5L plastic "kegs" with plastic stands for them
- 4 x disposable keg liners
- 4 x disposable beer lines
- 1 x tube to fill the kegs from the Droid tap
- 1 x sanitiser tablet.
This package forces you to naturally carbonate your brew over minimum 2 weeks (more likely 4 weeks) rather than force carbonating which is usually one of the major benefits of using kegs.
It also forces the usage of disposable plastic fittings and liners for each brew (2 x beer lines and 2 x keg liners for each 10L brew)
- We have also included the keg caddy in this price (a filling rack that holds the plastic keg upside down while you fill it) as it seems from forums that Coopers has now said this is virtually mandatory to avoid issues with carbonation.
Brewart Pros & Cons
What We Love About Brewart
- The Brewdroid is in our opinion a very well designed fermenter for small batches.
- The ability to have temperature profiles pre-programmed for all stages of your brew including cold crashing prior to kegging is excellent.
- The ease of cleaning the Beer Droid is well thought out, especially using the BrewPrints as the sediment falls to below the tap level. You drain the clear beer and then pull the bung under the tap to drain the sediment down the sink. No fuss, no mess.
- The ability of the fermenter to sense the begining and end of fermentation is great as you don't need to record OG or keep checking the gravity during fermentation.
- The simplicity of the BrewPrints for when you just want to make a beer quickly and easily (plus cheaply if get multiple recipes at once to save shipping costs and don't waste $6.50 on priming liquid and sanitiser tablet)
What We Don't Love About Brewart
- We don't like being forced to use disposable plastic items for each brew.
- We don't like the propriety fittings that don't allow you to use readily available items to expand your home brew kit or interchange parts
- We don't like being forced to secondary ferment to carbonate your brew for a couple of reasons
- The primer syrup is very over-priced ($5 for 2 sachets of sugar syrup)
- It means having to wait 2-4 weeks for carbonation
- You can't adjust the level of carbonation you end up with like you can with a CO2 system.
- We don't like the unnecessary complexity of the plastic "kegging" system, see below for comparison with iKegger stainless steel mini kegs.
- The weakness of the tap spiggot on the Droid is a serious problem that will hopefully be rectified for future models.

A Better Keg Option?
A complete 10L stainless steel keg system with:
- Push-button flow control tap that can also pour with the keg lying down in your fridge
- Multi-gas regulator that can use virtually any gas source you can get your hands on (including nitrogen for Guinness styel stouts!).
- Drip tray and carry sleeve with shoulder straps.
- Includes enough sanitiser for 80 brews and enough CO2 gas for carbonating and dispensing 4 brews.
- Filling kits to connect the BrewDroid tap or the hopping basket to the keg directly.
- Choice of kegs (either 1 x 10L or 2 x 5L kegs)
- $429 (less than half the price of BrewFlo package)

How Is iKegger Different?
- All stainless steel parts have 5 year warranty and all other parts 1 years warranty. Brewflo components is 1 year.
- No disposable parts for each brew and no plastic disposable parts, saving yourself up to $15 per brew plus the environment.
- Ability to carbonate your beer without using primer liquid saving yourself $5 and 2-4 weeks per brew waiting time per brew.
- Includes enough 2min no-rinse sanitiser for 80 brews saving another $1.50 per brew plus an hour waiting time.
- All components are compatible with standard existing home brew keg gear so you can expand and upgrade your system easily with readily available parts.
- Much simpler to fill and carbonate. 10 minutes from starting to sanitise to having carbonated beer in the fridge.
- Consistent carbonation level. Adjust it to exactly the level you like it by either increasing or releasing pressure.
- The patented stainless flow control tap means you can adjust how fast it pours with a button press, making sure you get perfect head every time without wasting any precious beer.
- Designed to travel so you can take your brews with you!
Absolutely correct. So what would you get for the same money as a BrewFlo system with iKegger?
Side By Side Brewflo vs Kegerator
See Brewflo At Harvey NormanBrewFlo Dispenser ($799)
- Table top refrigerated storage and dispenser for 1 x 5L plastic keg.
- Takes 10 hours to chill from room temp though.
Complete Kegging Package ($140)
- 2 x 5L plastic kegs
- Disposables for 2 x 10L brews
Keg Refill Pack ($89)
- 2 x 5L plastic kegs and caps
• 2 x Extra Keg Stands $12
- Needed to store the extra kegs upright for carbonating
The Keg Caddy $28
- Apparently vital for correct carbonation (I'm not sure why)
Shipping for Kegs etc $15
1 x Sanitiser Tablet Included
- $28 for BrewPrint (with primer and sanitiser)
- $7.50 for keg liners and beer lines (plastic disposable)
Total Cost: $35.50
Please Note:BrewArt has updated some fittings to standard ball locks now due to years of issues. The pricing above has been updated to these more expensive lids.
Kegerator With 2 x 10L Kegs ($998)
See 2 x 10L Package120L Black Mini Kegerator That Matches The Beer Droid (Droid not inc.)
- Holds 6 x as much beer as BrewFlo
- Includes 2 x stainless steel 10L kegs with 5yr warranties
- Space for 2 x more optional 5L kegs inside too
- Also space for glasses, ice cube trays and cans / bottles.
- 2 x Premium Stainless Flow Control Taps
- With all standard easily replaceable fittings to have 2 kegs on tap.
- Optional: ugrade to 4 kegs on tap at once
Complete Gas System
- Including professional quality mini regulator .
- Including sodastream refillable 400g gas bottle.
- Connect both kegs to gas and taps at once
- Enough gas to carbonate and dispense 40L of home brew.
- 500mls of No Rinse Sanitiser (Enough to sanitise the droid and kegging gear for more than 80 brews!)
- $16.50 For BrewPrint Ingredients (no sanitiser or primer)
- $4.75 For SodaStream Gas Refill (no disposable waste)
Total Cost: $21.25
Please note: We no longer stock the fridge but sell this package to install in any fridge. In the image is a 120L highsense fridge ($299 at time of printing)